Our Leo Club
In June 2024, Lions Club of Kakamega leadership initiated efforts to establish a Leo Club. In July 2024, efforts were made to market the concept and we began prospecting for potential Leo Club members. On July 16th 2024, with 28 eager members signed up, we submitted paperwork to Lions Club International to establish the Katch Leo Club.

Leo Club Objective

To provide the youth of Kakamega with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.

Leo Club Motto

Leadership – Develop skills as a project organizer, time manager and team leader.

Experience – Learn how teamwork, cooperation and collaboration can bring exciting changes to your community and the world.

Opportunity – Make friends and feel the rewards of community service.

2024 - 2025 Board of Directors

  1. Leo Club Advisor            -   PDG Lion Amarpreeet Sembi 
  2. Club Charter President   -  Leo Collins Ojiwa
  3. Club Vice President         -  Leo Brian Onuonga
  4. Club Secretary                 -   Leo Marion Mumbi
  5. Club Treasurer                 -   Leo Sally Ochieng
  6. Membership Director       -   Leo Armstrong Ayanga
  7. Partnerships Director      -   Leo Elvis Alwala
  8. Welfare Director               -   Leo Chrispine Ager
  9. Service Director               -   Leo Gilo Byron

Leo Club History

Coach Jim Graver started the Leo ball rolling in 1957 and chances are that ball was a baseball. Graver was the baseball coach of the Abington High School in Pennsylvania, USA and an active member of the Glenside Lions Club.  With help from his fellow Lion, William Ernst, the first Leo club was charted on December 5, 1957.

As the world's first Leo club, the Abington High School Leo Club created the Leo acronym – Leadership, Equality, Opportunity – and chose their school colors, maroon and gold to serve as the Leo club colors.  Later, Equality was changed to Experience.

In October 1967, the board of directors of Lions Clubs International adopted the Leo Club Program as an official program of the association.

The Leo Club Program has continued to grow within the last 60 years. Leos now constitute an international network of over 7,700 clubs in over 150 countries and territories with over 200,000 Leos worldwide. With over 60,000 service projects each year, Community service remains the cornerstone of the program, fostering a lifetime commitment to helping others. Like their Lion counterparts, Leo club members enjoy serving their neighbors and watching positive results unfold.

“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That’s what makes a Leo. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of our incredible organization. They are devoted young people who realize the power of action. Together, Leos and Lions form a powerful partnership — one of mutual respect where Lions learn from the innovative insights of Leos, and where Leos gain access to the proven strategies of those who’ve successfully served the world for decades.


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