Leo Club Positions
Leo Club President
The president serves as chief executive officer of a Leo club. This Leo presides over all club meetings and calls for club elections. The president also appoints committees and receives reports from those committees. After club members have defined their service goals, the club president motivates members to accomplish these objectives. The president also works with the Leo club advisor and the board members to achieve the present goals for that year.
Leo Club Secretary
The secretary serves the club by maintaining both club records and minutes from board of directors' and general meetings. The secretary also maintains lists of officers, committee appointments, club attendance records, and membership rosters. The secretary also writes up all sponsorship letters and orders all club supplies through the Lions club. The secretary also serves as a communication point between the board and the membership (including guests), by sending out emails with information on specific events and meetings.
Leo Club Treasurer
The treasurer receives and deposits all money into the club's fundraising and administrative accounts. When authorized by the board of directors, the treasurer pays out funds. Once each month, the treasurer submits a financial statement to the board of directors.
Leo Club Vice President
The vice president assists the president throughout the year. If the president can't complete his or her term, the vice president assumes this responsibility. The vice president can also assist the Project and fundraising director by attending committee meetings.
Leo Club Project & Fundraising Director
The project and fundraiser director is in charge of all committees pertaining to any Project or Fundraiser.
Leo Club Social & Training Director
The social and training director is in charge of the organization of all social activities and trainings. The social and training director is also responsible for the drinks and snacks at every meeting. The social and training director can appoint committee's to help with certain activities.
Leo Club Tail Twister
The Tail Twister is in charge of making sure all members and guests uphold the club rules (especially during meetings). The Tail Twister sets fines for when a particular rule is broken; these fines are fixed for that entire Leo-istic year.
Leo Club Second Secretary
The Second Secretary assists the secretary throughout the year. If the secretary can't complete his or her term, the Second Secretary assumes this responsibility.
Leo Club Advisor
To provide effective guidance, sponsoring Lions clubs appoint a Lion to serve as the Leo club advisor. Leo club advisors guide Leos in managing club activities and developing effective community service projects. Advisors also foster the development of Leos by creating an environment for exchange and connecting Leos with community leaders. Some of their responsibilities include: Oversee the orientation and ongoing development of the Leo club members, promote Leo club activities, attend each Leo club and board of directors meeting, serve as the liaison between the sponsoring Lions club and the Leo club, ensure new Leos receive orientation and new member materials and recognize Leos for their achievements, encourage graduating Leos to become Lions
Current Position Holders for Leo-istic Year 2023/2024
President Zina Jourdain
Secretary Keona van der Veen
Treasurer Yuliet Purisaca
Vice-President Alexander Rojer
Project & Fundraising Director Sibella Mendez
Social & Training Director Sibella Mendez
Tail-Twister Alexander Rojer
Imidiate Past President Ryan Zamorano
Leo Advisor Juraisca de Windt & Lorraine Marugg